
I’ve been thinking about this subject for quite a while now. From the way I see it , you can have two different types of relationships. You either commit to a single person or you have an open relationship with multiple people.


The main focus in a committed relationship is love while an open relationship needs sex as primary focus. Or that is the way I see it, at least :)

You have to sacrifice depth in an open relationship to prevent attaching yourself to that person. Otherwise you’ll get jealousy sprouted from insecurity. You can’t equally divide deep and meaningful love in an open relationship without one person feeling left-out. and that is the reason why I think you sacrifice depth for love/closeness in an open relationship. So by definition open relationships are more superficial since you don’t love the other persons truly the way you can in a monogamous relationship.

Trust & Cheating ID-10090863

Off-course trust and honesty is very important in both types of situations. You always need to talk about your intentions prior to sex if you want to establish any stable, lasting connection at all.In my opinion,  you can”t cheat on your partner if you are both clear and honest about your intentions. If you want an open relationship and the other person isn’t comfortable with that you just don’t continue with it.

Why Choose Monogamy?relationships-couple

 Closeness, depth, love, bonding, commitment, sex, intimacy, clarity, security

Why Choose Open R****elationships?

sex, intimacy, new experiences, freedom.

I’ve also stumbled on this, It is a committed open relationship with two girls loving the same man. They seem to be doing great and I don’t condemn free love but I just think you can’t have a strong bond with two people at the same time without jealousy/neglection.


Anyway these are some thoughts on different types of relationships. I’m sure I’ll come back to this topic since love and relationships are very important in my life. I know it is controversial ;) So feel free to share your thoughts on this subject.
Take Care!
